Category: Psychology
Connect one HISTORICAL school of thought’s founding figures and ideas with one C
Connect one HISTORICAL school of thought’s founding figures and ideas with one CONTEMPORARY school of thought’s ideas. Contemportary: LGBTQIA+ psychology. Historical: Humanism Psychology debate: Nature vs. nurture. • Describe the contemporary topic of interest. (suggested time: 1-2 minutes) Evaluate its social significance • Analyze the historical and societal influences that have led to this new…
Write a one-page comprehensive summary of Greenson’s ideas on what therapist nee
Write a one-page comprehensive summary of Greenson’s ideas on what therapist needs to do in order to promote the development of a working alliance paper must be in apa format and must cite sources AI and ChatGPT may not be used we are using the following book this semester Greenson, R. (1965). The working alliance…
A measurement plan to help resolve my issue in psychology which is test anxiety
A measurement plan to help resolve my issue in psychology which is test anxiety (specifically standardized tests) in adolescences. -Must identify 3 psychological tests (that already exist) that purportedly measure my construct -Must include at least 8 Peer Reviewed References -At least 4 of them articles that support my operationalized definition. -Follow all requirements in…
I will provide paper and the template Topic 1 DQ 1 (Obj. 1.1 and 1.2) Start Date
I will provide paper and the template Topic 1 DQ 1 (Obj. 1.1 and 1.2) Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points Dec 12, 2024, 12:00 AM Dec 14, 2024, 11:59 PM 5 Assessment Descriiption When assessing an individual, how does a counselor determine the severity of a substance use disorder? Discuss the…
Attached is how the professor wants the research paper done. Replace the red wi
Attached is how the professor wants the research paper done. Replace the red with the answers. He said to write about people. Anything about people. Sociology. Society. We can also go off of the hypothesis assignment previous submitted. I’ll attach that assignment. Please reach out for questions. I already ordered this and it wasn’t done…
I will Provide paper Topic 3: Treatment and Recovery Jan 2, 2025 – Jan 8, 2025 M
I will Provide paper Topic 3: Treatment and Recovery Jan 2, 2025 – Jan 8, 2025 Max Points: 110 Objectives: 1. Diferentiate between treatment and recovery regarding co-occurring disorders. [NASAC 4, 10, 14, 106] 2. Explain the diferent treatment settings for persons with co-occurring disorders. [NASAC 4, 10, 14, 23, 106] 3. Explain the use…
Discuss the following questions in response to the human trafficking : 1. How ef
Discuss the following questions in response to the human trafficking : 1. How effective are local law enforcement personnel at distinguishing between victims of human trafficking and those engaged in prostitution? 2. Should we even bother distinguishing between them? 3. Does the general public care about the differences between the two and how do we…
This assignment will prompt you to research the current data on your chosen spec
This assignment will prompt you to research the current data on your chosen specialty area project. (please find attached) Based on your previous research, write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of data that supports your problem statement. Include the following: Propose a research design for your problem statement that includes methods, setting, and population. Define…
Super Star Writer ID: 320004008 Please complete both week 5 and week 6 DQs and
Super Star Writer ID: 320004008 Please complete both week 5 and week 6 DQs and complete both weeks assightments follow Syllabus Topic 5 DQ 1 (Obj. 5.4 and 5.5) Start Date & Time Due Date & Time Points Jan 16, 2025, 12:00 AM Jan 18, 2025, 11:59 PM 5 Assessment Descriiption A person sufering from…
An advocacy map aids in understanding the resources and supports necessary to re
An advocacy map aids in understanding the resources and supports necessary to respond to gaps and service needs for vulnerable populations. Consider what type of advocacy (policy, agency, legislative, or community) would be most beneficial for the vulnerable population you selected to focus on in this course. Using that type of advocacy, you have been…