Category: Education
Hello, and thank you for accepting this assignment. This professor has been very
Hello, and thank you for accepting this assignment. This professor has been very challenging, and I need your assistance passing this course. The professor does not like fluffy/ fancy metaphors, etc for paper; they prefer facts and information. Please see below for the requirements. Must include a PowerPoint (PPP) and Trifold. I have attached all…
Week 2: This assignment is going to build on what you worked on in Assignment
Week 2: This assignment is going to build on what you worked on in Assignment 1. Please use the same five sources. This is a two-part assignment with an outline and podcast due. Read The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity, located in the Lesson 2 Course Resources, to understand each of the six fundamentals. Return…
This assessment is specifically designed to further your reflexive praxis on the
This assessment is specifically designed to further your reflexive praxis on the impact your coursework is having on your professional practice; and to help you establish measurable learning and professional development goals for your future growth as a teacher. In addition, you will begin to anchor your self-examination within the language of the professional teaching…
Assignment Content After completing the Early Childhood Module from the IrisCent
Assignment Content After completing the Early Childhood Module from the IrisCenter. Submit the certificate of completion at this link. **Please note, in order to receive a certificate, you will need to create an account and add the lesson to your professional development cart.
Hi, I have attached Week 5: Part 1 of the lesson plan needed to continue the We
Hi, I have attached Week 5: Part 1 of the lesson plan needed to continue the Week 6 assignment. Design an authentic (non-traditional) assessment for your lesson. Be sure the content of your assessment aligns with the content of your instruction and learning goals. Develop a rubric to evaluate the assessment. It is important that…
Submit the same Students Achievement Chart with post-assessments results Review
Submit the same Students Achievement Chart with post-assessments results Review the student work protocol revision would you make to ensure the work is meeting the standards and the lesson objective? Submit Students’ Work with your feedback Read: How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students.pdf and The Power of Feedback.pdf Revise the student work: what revision would you make to ensure the work is…
Assignment See assignment instruction and template Complete template APA STYLE C
Assignment See assignment instruction and template Complete template APA STYLE Correct spelling and punctuation Cite sources
Please see the following descriiption and rubric for the Individualized Transiti
Please see the following descriiption and rubric for the Individualized Transition Plan and read directions in attachment Individualized Transition Plan Descriiption.docx INDIVIDUAL TRANSITION PLAN.docx Wehman ITP Template.docx Wehman ITP Template_Sample.docx If you do not have a student in mind, you may use the case study of Rashaun. SPE641_Rashaun.pdf Here is a sample of a completed…
Do a case study on a Student who is a grade level 4. Do all the activities that
Do a case study on a Student who is a grade level 4. Do all the activities that are provided in the document with them and conduct a case study. Follow all the instructions from the document I provided. Artifacts to put in the physical folder: 1.Interest Inventory with summary 2.Reading Inventory with summary 3.Reading…
the direction for the assignment is attached with the 2 peer reviews as well as
the direction for the assignment is attached with the 2 peer reviews as well as the paper i completed that needs editing and i have added the doctoral template ..please fix