Please write a narrative essay 1st (2.5 pages): We learn in many ways—at school,

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Please write a narrative essay 1st (2.5 pages):
We learn in many ways—at school, of course, but also at home, among friends, & in the world itself. Consider a time when you learned something OUTSIDE of a classroom & narrate that experience. Show us what you learned, how you learned it, & why it matters.
Begin either with a scene or with build-up to a scene (in medias res or exposition).
Be very specific. Choose a single experience—this is not an autobiography.
There are multiple ways to approach this—learning a new skill or sport, learning to set a table, learning to accept failure, etc.
This essay is creative nonfiction—it requires a plot with a clear beginning, middle, & end.
Your essay must meet the following requirements:
Minimum of 750 words (approximately 3-4 pages)
Focuses on a single, clear idea
Uses story elements of character, setting, & plot to develop the main idea
Uses MLA formatting
Extra credit opportunities:
We’ve spent time looking at & discussing multimodal texts. If your essay includes images that add to the story being told, you can earn up to 5 bonus points on the essay.
Visit the CWRC: you can earn up to 5 points (one point per visit) by visiting the CWRC & showing me the blue sheet you receive after the session.
Step 2: Please write a reflection essay (2.5 pages):
English 110 Final Portfolio
Your final project is to create a portfolio that showcases your best work from the semester. All three parts (one full revision, one multimodal revision, and one reflection essay) work together as a kind of exhibit of the ways that you have succeeded in the course.  
Your final portfolio must include the following documents IN THIS ORDER:
A 2-3-page reflective essay
A multimodal revision of your narrative essay
A revised, MLA formatted critical response or research paper
Completing the Revisions
Select two essays you wish to revise.
The narrative essay will require a change of medium to a multimodal project that is not in essay format. This revision should represent your best attempts to “re-see” the piece & present it in a dynamic way for a specific audience.
The critical response OR research paper should be carefully revised for content, structure, & organization to create a polished, MLA formatted essay. This revision should show that you paid close attention to content, organization, audience, & polished language.
Expect to spend several hours carefully considering the comments you received on your drafts, the key concepts and strategies you have learned this semester, & your own experiences in the class. Substantially rework your essays. You should put a lot of thought into the papers you are revising, as you’ll want these revisions to demonstrate that you have made improvement in your writing & thinking in this course.
Completing the Reflective Essay
When you hand in the final project, the reflective essay will be the first element in the portfolio. However, it will be easier to write this essay AFTER you’ve completed your revisions.
Because the reflection essay requires you to explain how you’ve met the requirements of the course this semester, you should discuss everything that has gone into your revision process. Your audience should know, from reading the reflection, precisely what the finished documents say about the things you have learned this semester.
You should consider how your semester’s work has been both influenced by & is reflected in the revisions you’ve completed. Rather than simply listing changes you’ve made to the documents, you should talk about WHY you made the changes and HOW that relates to what we’ve accomplished in this course. You may want to discuss specific exercises or activities you did in class, ideas or strategies you gained through course readings, any help you received while visiting the CWRC, working with someone else outside of class, and anything else that contributed substantially to your success.
Recap & Specifics:
Your portfolio should include, bare minimum—a reflection essay, a multimodal revision of the narrative, & a revised copy of your critical response or research paper.
The reflection is best completed after the revisions but should be the FIRST document in the portfolio.
Multimodal revisions should reflect a total re-thinking of the format & delivery of the essay’s content. They cannot be traditional academic formats of Powerpoint or an essay, & they should have AT LEAST two of the following modes: visual, aural, linguistic, textual, gestural. They may or may not reach original word counts because of formatting.
The revision of the critical response or research paper should reflect careful consideration for thesis, structure, content, language, & formatting. It should be a formally written essay.
Multimodal revisions that are physical or are file types not supported by Canvas can be handed in during my office hours on any day prior to the due date.
Your final portfolio will be the last thing I read before calculating your final average in this course, so you will want to make sure that it reflects your best efforts in all ways.
Portfolios will be assessed according to their demonstration that students have met the learning outcomes for the course. Each category below carries 20 points for 100 total points in the portfolio.
Comprehends & analyzes college-level texts.
Integrates ideas from these texts into own writing.
Writes for a variety of audiences with clear purpose and focus.
Organizes ideas and uses textual support to develop concepts.
Controls grammar and mechanics and demonstrates style
An incomplete portfolio will not be accepted and will earn a grade of 0.
Below I have attached my grades in the course. I have also attached my resarch paper thathat can help. 

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