I planned on writing my paper on the types of police training so here are some n

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I planned on writing my paper on the types of police training so here are some notes on that. 
Types of Training
Recruit Training
Most new police recruits attend police training institutes or academies, known as recruit training, which encompasses core competencies: patrol techniques and officer safety, criminal investigation, force and weaponry, legal issues, administration, communication, criminal justice systems, human relations, emergency driving, crime scene management and evidence handling, court testimony, and report writing.
Additional skills include: conflict resolution, policy and procedure, organizational philosophy and ethics, leadership, community-specific problems, cultural diversity and special needs groups, individual rights, lifestyle stressors, self-awareness, and self-regulation.
The number of training academy hours mandated is 840, or 21 weeks.
One in seven recruits entering is female, and one in three is of a racial or ethnic minority group.
A police agency may invest as much as $100,000 to recruit, hire, and train a new officer.
From a practical and monetary standpoint, the time a recruit spends in the academy must be limited.
Police academies must focus on those topics with the highest degree of liability, thus the emphasis on the force, firearms, and driving.
Recruits are tested in each area of instruction; to graduate, recruits must achieve a passing score in every training domain.
Police personnel spends the majority of their time negotiating settlements between parties and providing other services that have little to do with law enforcement. Human and cultural relations are increasingly important.
Training and Community-Oriented Policing
Approximately 80% of police academies offer recruits at least some form of training related to community policing; however, time spent on those and similar issues is minimal in comparison to subjects such as firearms training, physical fitness, etc.
In 2018, 86% of recruits completed their training at the basic academy.
A 2008 study compared traditional and community policing academy curricula and found that the newer model had a higher rate of recruit officer success in academy performance.
Field Training
Academy training is simply a preparatory step for on-the-job or field training.
Field training: Occurs immediately following successful recruit training; during field training, new officers are paired with specially trained veterans and are evaluated on how they perform on the street, normally in the patrol division; field training programs normally last anywhere from six weeks to six months.
The first opportunity for the rookie to practice what they have been taught comes during the first year or two of service, often referred to as the probationary period.
New officers should be involved in field training under the supervision of field training officers (FTOs) who have been selected and prepared to direct, evaluate, and correct the performance of recruits immediately after their basic academy training; however, the Police Training Officer (PTO) program is the most recent post-academy training standard.
Police Training Officer (PTO) program: Recently developed field training program that many researchers and police executives claim is effective at helping new officers entering the field develop problem-solving skills rarely seen at the early stages of their career; the PTO program involves two primary training areas: substantive topics and core competencies.
If the recruit successfully completes field training and probation, they become a full-fledged and sworn police officer.
It is sometimes necessary to terminate probationary officers who do not satisfy the demands placed on them during field training.
Departments are encouraged to continue broadening and improving training programs.
Ongoing In-Service Training
In-service training, also known as continuing professional education (CPE), is one of the cornerstones of professionalism; the intent is to keep professionals up to date with continuous changes that affect their practice.
Most police personnel receive periodic in-service training that is provided by department personnel, training consultants hired by the department, or regional or local training boards; most require their officers to complete in-service training to maintain competency.
Many departments lack structured plans or programs for in-service training.
In some states, professional boards issue licenses to qualified individuals who are required to meet established qualifications.
Licensure of professionals has served as a gate-keeping function by ensuring the proficiency of professionals who provide services to others, and it protects the profession itself by determining who can use the title.
This requires that government create a governing body to regulate licensure and discipline those who violate privileges or are found to be performing without a license.
Technological Advances and Online Training
Online courses promise to reach large numbers of officers and keep associated costs—which can be significant—to a minimum.
Improved technology has produced sophisticated, yet user-friendly online delivery platforms that make the interaction between student and teacher parallel to that of traditional training.
Online training is not suitable for some police training, such as emergency driving and firearms.
Online training can be used to teach and test things like knowledge of policy and law prior to conducting the “hands-on” portions. Courses are small modules for customized schedules.
Online training also provides the agency with a permanent record of the officer’s test scores.
The Use of Force Training Simulator (UFTS) uses computer-generated images (CGI) and speech technology that enable variability in characters and scenarios and responses to user commands and conversation.
Using this technology, the trainee can attempt to gain the suspect’s compliance by using less-than-lethal force; alternatively, the officer could cause the suspect’s level of resistance to the officer’s commands to escalate.
One innovative program is sponsored by a partnership between the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, the Minnesota Sheriff’s Association, and the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust, known as Police Accredited Training Online (PATROL).
Police Accredited Training Online (PATROL): Innovative and inexpensive way to provide a myriad of in-service training opportunities to officers on a statewide basis as an asynchronous, online training initiative.
The cost of online training is far less than traditional teaching methods and the topics are varied and include the use of force, blood-borne pathogens, and current legal issues.
Who Should Conduct Police Training?
Police trainers have diverse backgrounds professionally, ethnically, etc.
The broader the spectrum of qualified trainers, the greater the exposure to various skills.
Important to have both information to share and good communication skills to present.
Only one-third of police training facilities had education requirements for full-time trainers.
Many agencies require field training officers to attend instructor development school prior to their final appointment as an FTO.
Police training should also be conducted by those outside the profession, as many skills required for trainers (technical skills, disease prevention, etc.) are not often found amongst police officers, and because relying only on police officers may lead to a myopic worldview.
Trainers need to establish a “three-dimensional” delivery environment:
First, the instructor must have the requisite knowledge to deliver accurate topical information.
Second, the trainer must possess the facilitation skills needed to deliver information effectively.
Third, the trainer must have the ability to accurately assess trainee retention.
Reasons for recruit failure are not always directly attributable to new officers’ shortcomings.
Agencies need to address various adult learning styles through a variety of approaches, customized training, engagement with dialogue, etc.
Agencies can also improve training by understanding the average skill level of attendees. ahead of time, using real-life applications, and engaging in a hands-on approach.
now here are the class rules for the term paper. 
Make sure to use APA reference page, formatting and in text citing for all papers
Use 6 references that are Scholarly journal articles
The librarian will help you.
Avoid websites because they are not scholarly or applicable for a good research paper.
Please use headings in papers and on discussion posts.
A heading helps the professor or reader see that you answered the question. It is follows APA and provides for much better writing skills, organization and development.
ü Term Paper info
ü Term Paper outline
ü Final Paper(6 pages) Can be over the limit
ü Topics (from the text book, any topic you want
ü Make sure to use APA reference page, formatting and in text citing for all papers
ü Use 6 references that are Scholarly journal articles
ü The librarian will help you.
ü Avoid websites because they are not scholarly or applicable for a good research paper.
ü Qualitative or quantitative paper/research required (Use statistics and numbers or facts and figures in your paper)
ü Apply Statistics, numbers, research
ü Primary Sources explained
ü APA Formatting(Do not use the word “I”, do not use opinions in papers do not use “we” or pronouns)
ü APA Sample Paper
Write a 6 page paper (8 in total-cover page and reference page), you can go over
Ø The paper MUST follow APA format or it is unacceptable.
Ø (See APA chart I posted or email me for the APA style chart) You can also type in APA formatting on any www/yahoo.com engine)
Ø You must do research use journals, articles and these may help:
§ Use http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000477347 for help
§ www.questia.com or any search engine will find articles and journals in the field
§ http://www.ncjrs.gov/index.html
§ there are many other places in the library to find articles and journals as well as searching on the Internet.
§ http://www.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/cje/html/aboutcje.html
§ http://www.acjs.org/
§ http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/ncvrw/2005/pg4c.html
§ http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/assist/nvaa/welcome.html
§ http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ncfv-cnivf/familyviolence/archives/html/1oldsetbiblio.htm
Ø You must use JOURNALS to cite from and utilize in your paper. 
Ø You must form a research paper and do not use opinions. Apply the research and how you can improve the current state of affairs.
Ø Define or look up these types of research so you can understand the procedure for the paper
§ Qualitative research is one of the two major approaches to research methodology in social sciences. Qualitative research involves an in depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern human behavior. Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research relies on reasons behind various aspects of behavior. Simply put, it investigates the why and how of decision making, as compared to what, where, and when of quantitative research. Hence, the need is for smaller but focused samples rather than large random samples. From which, qualitative research categorizes data into patterns as the primary basis for organizing and reporting results.
§ Quantitative research is the systematic scientific investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships. Quantitative research is widely used in both the natural and social sciences, from physics and biology to sociology and journalism. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and hypotheses pertaining to natural phenomena. The process of measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships. The term quantitative research is most often used in the social sciences in contrast to qualitative research.
Ø Research may be re-used and expanded on in the future to for further progression in the field.
Ø The goal of the project is to apply the knowledge. Research objectives and hypotheses will be formed, primary data and secondary data will be collected and applied.
Ø Use statistical data if it applies to come to solid conclusion.
Primary Sources of Information for Discussion Posts:
Please remember that, in order to receive full credit for your work, you must draw upon at primary sources of information.
Textbooks are secondary sources, not primary ones. If you are unclear about the difference between primary and secondary sources of information, please review my previous announcement that describes primary sources.
APA and citing is something vital for your future. Any library will help you. You can use the schools online resources. Many do not check or realize what great online technology and library resources you have from the school and the public library system. These days you can access millions or journals and articles from home as well. Most are free through your school. Please check the school web site for the library, then cal them and they will assist you. It is important to learn APA and primary sources now for your future. You may be upset or frustrated, but when you finish my class or graduate, you will be 10 times better then a student who didn’t have me or that competes with you for an interview or that pursues future degrees. You can also do a search online for journals in our field but that may have a fee. I would avoid any more fees and through most schools they are free, you just didn’t know about it or check. It is a journey into education but anyone can do. If I did it you can. It is not hard. Also there is a program called “endnote” that actually cites everything for you and you can use your whole life. It is pretty incredible. Our text is secondary so you can use it, but do not use it as your only source and I require at least 5 APA primary sources for every paper. Discussion boards may be a little loser but there to, get use to using the primary sources. Mid terms and Finals that are essay only need to have your book but more credit is added for primary sources there as well.
Primary Source: (Required)
A primary source is a document, speech, or other sort of evidence written, created or otherwise produced during the time under study. Primary sources offer an inside view of a particular event. Examples include:
Original documents: autobiographies, diaries, e-mail, interviews, letters, minutes, news film footage, official records, photographs, raw research data, speeches
Creative works: art, drama, films, music, novels, poetry
Relics or artifacts: buildings, clothing, DNA, furniture, jewelry, pottery
Examples of primary sources:
§ Plato’s Republic – women in ancient Greece
§ The Declaration of Independence – U. S. history
§ African-American Poetry (1750-1900) – U. S. history & literature
§ Diary of Anne Frank – experiences of Jews in World War II
§ film footage of the assassination of President J. F. Kennedy
§ National Security Data Archives –t t U. S. history ~ declassified documents
Important! EFFECTIVE immediately
-Contact the library for extra help with citing
Primary Source: (Required)
A primary source is a document, speech, or other sort of evidence written, created or otherwise produced during the time under study. Primary sources offer an inside view of a particular event. Examples include:
Original documents: autobiographies, diaries, e-mail, interviews, letters, minutes, news film footage, official records, photographs, raw research data, speeches
Creative works: art, drama, films, music, novels, poetry
Relics or artifacts: buildings, clothing, DNA, furniture, jewelry, pottery
Examples of primary sources:
§ Plato’s Republic – women in ancient Greece
§ The Declaration of Independence – U. S. history
§ African-American Poetry (1750-1900) – U. S. history & literature
§ Diary of Anne Frank – experiences of Jews in World War II
§ film footage of the assassination of President J. F. Kennedy
§ National Security Data Archives –t t U. S. history ~ declassified documents
Secondary (Not good unless it is for midterms and finals, Example our textbook)
Secondary sources provide interpretation and analysis of primary sources.
Secondary sources are one step removed from the original event or “horse’s mouth.”
Examples of secondary sources:
§ Britannica Online encyclopedia (online)
§ American National Biography (database)
§ literary criticism analyzing a play, poem, novel, or short story
§ magazine or newspaper articles about events or people
§ political commentary analyzing an election or politician (via Lexis-Nexis database)
§ textbooks
Class, I have been notified that APA is now more important then ever for my classes. I also want you to learn this now, so in your future programs you will excel whether associate, undergraduate, Masters and for some PhD. I am requiring you to use mainly PRIMARY RESOURCES for all papers, and for posts. That means, you need to go out of the book. You can use the public or our school library on campus or online. This will take more time and research but many teachers let you wait until it is too late. The textbook is not a primary source. I would rather you use it as a reference and it is still the only thing you need for exams (midterm and final) but do not use the textbook for the term papers, extra credit papers, and stay away from it for posts on the discussion boards. It will take time and work to adjust, but in your future you will thank me. Why? Secondary sources are not as helpful and as accurate. They are usually someone getting data and explaining it. Primary is the actual source itself. Please look at all of my previous APA posts and search online to get info on how to cite primary sources. I attached many helpful documents below. Keep in mind for term papers, extra credit papers and discussions I will be counting this to the grade so make sure you work on it now. Also contract the school librarian and they will have more then enough APA information and can probably sit down and help you for the first few times. APA and primary cites are required throughout the country at the best schools and now at all schools. I want my students to be ahead when they graduate and not with just another diploma, out there and lost in their writing skills. With my class, you will be very far ahead. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, and get primary SOURCES GOING!
What are Primary Sources?
Primary sources enable the researcher to get as close as possible to what actually happened during an historical event or time period.  Primary sources were either created during the time period being studied, or were created at a later date by a participant in the events being studied (as in the case of memoirs) and they reflect the individual viewpoint of a participant or observer.
General Search Strategies
To find most library materials EXCEPT articles, use a library catalog. Catalogs include books, government documents, maps, videotapes, sound recordings, music scores and many other types of materials. Catalogs also list collections of manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, and records of organizations, but they do not list individual items in those collections.
Primary sources may be in their original format or may have been reproduced at a later date in a different format, such as a book, microfilm collection, video, or on the Internet. All of these formats except Internet sources can be found by searching library catalogs.
For important advice on finding and evaluating primary sources on the Internet, see Using Primary Sources on the Web from the History Section of the Reference and User Services Association, a division of the American Library Association.
To find magazine, journal or newspaper articles: use an article database or index.
Before you start searching it may be useful to find some background information on your topic

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