Chapter 1 What is puberty? Is it a universal feature of adolescence? What are th

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Chapter 1
What is puberty? Is it a universal feature of adolescence? What are the 5 main physical manifestations of puberty? Is puberty a gradual process? When does it begin?
Be able to describe the feedback loop known as the HPG axis.
Both sexes produce androgens and estrogens. However, the average male typically produces more _____ than _____ while the average female produces more _____ than _____.
Be able to provide examples of secondary sex characteristics.
How early can the onset of puberty occur for boys and girls? How late? Do the genes and environment influence the timing of puberty?
Be able to provide examples of secular trends.
Know the difference between longitudinal and cross-sectional studies.
How do boys and girls react to early maturation? Late maturation?
What are some examples of eating disorders?
What are the new contributors to the new morbidity and mortality rates found among adolescence?
Chapter 2
What are the 5 chief ways in which adolescents’ thinking differs from that of children? Be able to provide examples.
What is metacognition? A byproduct of metacognition is a kind of _____ characterized by an intense preoccupation with the self. Know the difference between personal fables and imaginary audience?
The two theoretical viewpoints on adolescent thinking that have been especially important are the Piagetian perspective and the information-processing perspective. Be able to differentiate between these two views. What changes do information-processing theorists observe in adolescents?
What is selective attention? What is divided attention? Be able to provide examples.
When does the prefrontal cortex completely mature? What sort of higher-order cognitive processes occur in the prefrontal cortex?
Who developed the first intelligence test and for what reason? According to many critics, what does this test measure? Is intelligence stable? Do adolescents’ mental abilities increase? Are there sex differences in mental abilities? If so, in what area are the sex differences found? What is the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) designed to predict?
What did Vygotsky believe?
What does implicit personality theory suggest?
What is social perspective taking and how does it change during adolescence?
Why do adolescents engage in risky behaviors? If so, is it due to faulty decision making?
Chapter 3
What is social redefinition? Can it vary from one society to another?
What do inventionists argue? How were children treated prior to the 19th century? What changes took place with industrialization in jobs, crime, and education?
What does the word “teenagers” connote? What did the word “youth” refer to prior to industrialization? Today?
Social redefinition at adolescence typically involves a dual-sided change in social status in both _____ and _____. Status changes of this sort occur in the interpersonal, political, economic, and legal domains. Be able to provide examples.
What is extrusion? Brother-sister avoidance? Scarification? Be able to provide examples.
What does an initiation ceremony provide? Be able to provide examples of initiation ceremonies.
Why have adolescents been referred to as the “marginal man”?
Compared with contemporary youth, when did adolescents living in the late 19th century undergo family-related transitions? School and work-related transitions?
Know the difference between continuous and discontinuous transitions. How can the discontinuity of a school-to-work transition be reduced?
To what has the vague and discontinuous nature of the transition through adolescence in contemporary society contributed? Why have certain ethnic groups had more trouble negotiating the transition into adulthood?
Chapter 4
What is a generational gap? Be able to provide examples.
Why may the adolescent years constitute a difficult period of adjustment for parents?
Know the difference between parental responsiveness and parental demandingness. Be able to distinguish among the four general types of parenting styles (i.e., authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, and indifferent). Which parenting style is more common among minority families than among White families?
How do sibling relationships change over the course of adolescence? What are the effects of positive sibling relationships?
Know the difference between shared environmental influences and nonshared environmental influences.
What are demographers? Be able to discuss some of their findings.
Which gender is most affected by divorce? Does the quality of the relationship between adolescents and parents matter? Quantity of visits? What is the sleeper effect?
Which gender is the most affected by remarriage?
Which gender is the most positively affected by maternal employment? Negatively? Why?
Know the difference between promotive and restrictive strategies.
Chapter 5
What has contributed to the rise of adolescent peer groups in modern America? When did adolescent peer groups based on friendships (formed in school) become prevalent? How many youngsters come home from school to houses with no adults present? How many youngsters care for themselves in the morning?
Is there a separate youth culture? What did research by James Coleman reveal? What does other research suggest?
What do studies of peer pressure indicate? Do teenagers feel pressure to use drugs? Engage in sexual activity? Consume alcohol?
Know the difference between the following terms: postfigurative and cofigurative and between particularistic and universalistic.
How does the structure of peer groups change as individuals move into adolescence? For example, who do adolescents mention as significant in their lives? Do they spend time with same sex or opposite sex peers?
Know the difference between cliques and crowds. On what two distinct dimensions can crowds be mapped? What is a reference group?
What is participant observation?
What characteristics do popular children tend to have? Into what three categories do unpopular adolescents tend to fall?
What is relational aggression? What is hostile attribution bias?
Unpopular individuals or those with poor peer relationships during adolescents are more likely to _____.
Chapter 6
What factors contributed to the rise of compulsory education?
2. How have the goals of secondary education and the approaches taken by schools in America shifted over time (e.g., 1950s vs. 1960s vs. 1970s vs. 1980s vs. 1990s vs. Today)?
Why have school-reform initiatives failed in urban school districts?
What are the characteristics of good schools?
When comparing large and small schools what does the research indicate? Does class size typically affect students’ scholastic achievement?
What are middle and junior high schools? According to the research, are middle schools preferable to junior high schools?
What are the short-term and long-term benefits of the desegregation of schools?
School climate affects students’ performance and behavior. What type of atmosphere is more conducive to high student performance and good classroom behavior?
What is the self-fulfilling prophecy?
How do parents contribute to school performance? Peer groups?
Chapter 8
What three approaches have researchers and theorists taken to study identity during adolescence? What is self-conception? What developmental changes occur in self-conception?
What is false-self behavior? When is false-self behavior most likely to occur?
What are the five critical personality dimensions found in adolescence and adulthood? Are these traits highly stable over time?
According to Rosenberg, when examining studies of self-esteem, it is important to differentiate between which two aspects of self-perceptions?
During adolescence, which youngsters are more susceptible to changes in self-esteem?
According to Harter, what are the predictors of adolescents’ overall self-esteem?
According to Erikson, individuals move through a series of eight psychosocial crises throughout the life cycle. What crisis must adolescents resolve? According to Erikson, why is the period of psychosocial moratorium such an important one?
Some adolescents have difficulty resolving the identity crises. According to Erikson, what are the three most common problems? Has research by Marcia supported Erikson’s theoretical perspective? What four identity categories did Marcia establish?
What is race socialization? What effect does it have on the process of identity development? According to Phinney, what are the four possibilities that minority youth can use to deal with their ethnicity? Which is a more viable, and psychologically healthier, alternative? What is code switching?
Do masculine, feminine, or androgynous males or females report higher levels of self-esteem?
Chapter 9
What is the difference between independence and autonomy? According to Erikson, what is the central issue of adolescence?
What are the three types of autonomy in adolescence? Be able to differentiate among the three types.
What does the term “detachment” mean? According to more recent research, is the view on “detachment” correct?
What is the end result of individuation? How is healthy individuation fostered?
Know the difference between enabling behaviors versus constraining behaviors.
On what type of issues are early adolescents more likely to be susceptible to peer influence? Parental influence? At what age are adolescents most susceptible to peer pressure? Which adolescents are most susceptible to antisocial influences?
Which gender reports feeling more self-reliant?
Whose theory is the dominant perspective in the study of moral reasoning in adolescents? Be able to differentiate among the three stages of moral reasoning.
What does Gilligan argue in regards to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?
How is adolescents’ political and religious thinking similar to the shifts observed in moral development?
Chapter 10
During adolescence relationships become more _____. Intimacy is characterized by _____, _____, and _____. Does intimacy have a sexual or physical connotation?
There are 3 main theoretical approaches to the study of intimacy in adolescence: Sullivan’s, Erikson’s, and the attachment theorists. What does each perspective suggest about adolescent intimacy?
What changes in the nature of friendship, display of intimacy, and “Targets” of intimacy do we see during adolescence?
When do friendships with the other sex develop?
Through what 4 stages of romance do adolescent proceed?
During middle adolescence, what do boys look for in a romantic partner? Girls? How about during late adolescence?
What is the developmental progression of social activities with the opposite sex beginning in early adolescence?
Compared to the past half-century, when do individuals marry?
Which couples have a greater chance of marital problems and divorce?
Close peer relationships are an essential part of healthy _____ _____ during adolescence.
Chapter 11
What is sexual socialization? Know the difference between restrictive, semirestrictive, and permissive societies.
What is serial monogamy? How have the attitudes of adolescents toward sex changed over time?
Know the difference between autoerotic behavior and sociosexual behavior.
Approximately, how many teenagers have sexual intercourse by age 18? Early sexual activity is most common among teenagers growing up in _____ households. Why? What other problem behaviors are associated with early sexual activity?
How does parent-child communication about sex affect the sexual activity of adolescents? Are teenagers more likely to talk about sex with mothers or fathers? How do peers influence the sexual behavior of adolescents?
Early sexuality is experienced differently by males and females. Be able to explain the differences.
What are the risk factors for sexual abuse?
Why are adolescents in the U.S. such poor users of birth control? What are some of the most common forms of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? How is AIDS transmitted?
According to research, are teenagers harmed psychologically by aborting their pregnancy or by placing their infant up for adoption? Who is more likely to terminate or abort an unplanned pregnancy?
How are adolescent males, who become fathers, different from their peers? Are the problems that teenage mothers and their children face a result of mother’s young age, or poverty and other factors associated with poverty? Why do most programs designed to prevent teenage pregnancy and childbearing fail?
Chapter 12
What is achievement?
Because educational and occupational achievements are cumulative, during adolescence the _____ tend to get _____, while the _____ tend to get _____.
Know the following terms well: “need for achievement,” “fear of failure,” “underachievers,” “achievement attributions,” “intrinsic,” “extrinsic,” “self-efficacy,” and “learned helplessness.” Be able to provide examples.
How do the home environment, friends, educational achievement, socioeconomic status, and ethnic differences influence adolescents’ achievement goals and behaviors?
Know the difference between social capital and cultural capital.
Educational achievement is usually defined in one of three ways. What are these three ways?
What are some of the characteristics of adolescents who drop out of high school?
According to Donald Super, when do occupational plans begin to crystallize? What stage comes after crystallization?
Because _____ was interested in the relation between personality factors and patterns of occupational choice, he examined this process using his Self-Directed Search measure.
Like educational achievement, occupational attainment is strongly influenced by _____ _____.
Chapter 13
Clinical practitioners distinguish among three broad categories. What are they?
What three perspectives are offered to explain psychosocial problems (or unconventional behavior) in adolescence?
With what drugs do adolescents most experiment? Which drugs are considered “gateway drugs?”
What four sets of risk factors for substance abuse have been identified? Protective factors?
What are status offences? In general, the earlier an adolescent’s “criminal career” begins, the more likely he or she is to become a _____, _____, and _____. Who is more likely to be arrested and to be treated harshly by the juvenile justice system?
What are some of the causes of antisocial behavior in adolescents?
Know the difference between “life-course persistent antisocial behavior” and “adolescent-limited antisocial behavior.”
Which prevention program is more likely to be successful?
What is the most common psychological disturbance among adolescents? Which gender is more likely to suffer from depression during childhood? During puberty? Depression is more likely to be a result of _____ _____and _____ _____. What is the diathesis-stress model?
Know the difference between primary preventions and secondary preventions and between primary control strategies and secondary control strategies.
Discussion Posts/Threads for Content Area 5
Due: 10/4
Answer prompt below and add a question/comment that is supported with chapter information. Make sure to cite the lecture notes or textbook for the answer to prompt and cite the textbook for the question/comment. Cite properly with author and page number and include a minimum of 3 sentences when answering prompt and a minimum of 3 sentences for question/comment for credit.
Grade Distribution for Prompt and Question/Comment:
1 point for answering prompt in 3 sentences or more
1 point for adding a 3 sentence or more question/comment
1 point for citing both prompt and question/comment correctly (add authors of textbook or author of lecture notes and page numbers)
1. Prompt:
Jill, a 9th grader, was angry at Katie for spilling juice on Jill’s shirt. Jill spread a rumor that Katie had gossiped about her friends. Is Jill’s behavior normal? Explain based on what you have learned in class.
2. Question/Comment:
Write a question or comment based on your chapter readings.
Discussion Posts/Threads for Content Area 6
Due: 10/11
Answer prompt below and add a question/comment that is supported with chapter information. Make sure to cite the lecture notes or textbook for the answer to prompt and cite the textbook for the question/comment. Cite properly with author and page number and include a minimum of 3 sentences when answering prompt and a minimum of 3 sentences for question/comment for credit.
Grade Distribution for Prompt and Question/Comment:
1 point for answering prompt in 3 sentences or more
1 point for adding a 3 sentence or more question/comment
1 point for citing both prompt and question/comment correctly (add authors of textbook or author of lecture notes and page numbers)
1. Prompt:
If Katie and Jill’s teacher accidentally got their test scores mixed up and mistakenly thought Katie was the more intelligent of the two girls. At the end of the year, who would you predict would gain more and perform at a higher level? Explain based on what you have learned in class.
2. Question/Comment:
Write a question or comment based on your chapter readings.
Discussion Posts/Threads for Content Area 7
Due: 10/18
Answer prompt below and add a question/comment that is supported with chapter information. Make sure to cite the lecture notes or textbook for the answer to prompt and cite the textbook for the question/comment. Cite properly with author and page number and include a minimum of 3 sentences when answering prompt and a minimum of 3 sentences for question/comment for credit.
Grade Distribution for Prompt and Question/Comment:
1 point for answering prompt in 3 sentences or more
1 point for adding a 3 sentence or more question/comment
1 point for citing both prompt and question/comment correctly (add authors of textbook or author of lecture notes and page numbers)
1. Prompt:
Since Peter became an adolescent, he has experimented with different roles and personalities. Peter’s parents are telling all their friends that this is just a “phase” he’s going through. What is this “phase” called and according to whom? Explain based on what you have learned in class.
2. Question/Comment:
Write a question or comment based on your chapter readings.
Discussion Posts/Threads for Content Area 8
Due: 10/25
Answer prompt below and add a question/comment that is supported with chapter information. Make sure to cite the lecture notes or textbook for the answer to prompt and cite the textbook for the question/comment. Cite properly with author and page number and include a minimum of 3 sentences when answering prompt and a minimum of 3 sentences for question/comment for credit.
Grade Distribution for Prompt and Question/Comment:
1 point for answering prompt in 3 sentences or more
1 point for adding a 3 sentence or more question/comment
1 point for citing both prompt and question/comment correctly (add authors of textbook or author of lecture notes and page numbers)
1. Prompt:
Debra has two teenage boys and wants to ensure that her relationship with her boys will foster healthy individuation and positive mental health. What recommendations would you give her? Explain based on what you have learned in class.
2. Question/Comment:
Write a question or comment based on your chapter readings.
Discussion Posts/Threads for Content Area 9
Due: 11/8
Answer prompt below and add a question/comment that is supported with chapter information. Make sure to cite the lecture notes or textbook for the answer to prompt and cite the textbook for the question/comment. Cite properly with author and page number and include a minimum of 3 sentences when answering prompt and a minimum of 3 sentences for question/comment for credit.
Grade Distribution for Prompt and Question/Comment:
1 point for answering prompt in 3 sentences or more
1 point for adding a 3 sentence or more question/comment
1 point for citing both prompt and question/comment correctly (add authors of textbook or author of lecture notes and page numbers)
1. Prompt:
You are watching young children interact with their friends (and adolescents interact with their friends) during lunch break, and as you do, you notice that there is a noticeable difference in the way that young children compared with adolescents interact with their friends. What is different? Explain based on what you have learned in class.
2. Question/Comment:
Write a question or comment based on your chapter readings.
Discussion Posts/Threads for Content Area 10
Due: 11/15
Answer prompt below and add a question/comment that is supported with chapter information. Make sure to cite the lecture notes or textbook for the answer to prompt and cite the textbook for the question/comment. Cite properly with author and page number and include a minimum of 3 sentences when answering prompt and a minimum of 3 sentences for question/comment for credit.
Grade Distribution for Prompt and Question/Comment:
1 point for answering prompt in 3 sentences or more
1 point for adding a 3 sentence or more question/comment
1 point for citing both prompt and question/comment correctly (add authors of textbook or author of lecture notes and page numbers)
1. Prompt:
Paul and Jillian are upset because they recently discovered that their 14-year-old daughter has already engaged in sexual intercourse. What other types of problems should they anticipate? Explain based on what you have learned in class.
2. Question/Comment:
Write a question or comment based on your chapter readings.
Discussion Posts/Threads for Content Area 11
Due: 11/22
Answer prompt below and add a question/comment that is supported with chapter information. Make sure to cite the lecture notes or textbook for the answer to prompt and cite the textbook for the question/comment. Cite properly with author and page number and include a minimum of 3 sentences when answering prompt and a minimum of 3 sentences for question/comment for credit.
Grade Distribution for Prompt and Question/Comment:
1 point for answering prompt in 3 sentences or more
1 point for adding a 3 sentence or more question/comment
1 point for citing both prompt and question/comment correctly (add authors of textbook or author of lecture notes and page numbers)
1. Prompt:
Every time Joshua receives an A on his report card, his grandmother gives him $50. Should she continue to do this?Why or why not? Explain based on what you have learned in class.
2. Question/Comment:
Write a question or comment based on your chapter readings.
Discussion Posts/Threads for Content Area 12
Answer prompt below and add a question/comment that is supported with chapter information. Make sure to cite the lecture notes or textbook for the answer to prompt and cite the textbook for the question/comment. Cite properly with author and page number and include a minimum of 3 sentences when answering prompt and a minimum of 3 sentences for question/comment for credit.
Grade Distribution for Prompt and Question/Comment:
1 point for answering prompt in 3 sentences or more
1 point for adding a 3 sentence or more question/comment
1 point for citing both prompt and question/comment correctly (add authors of textbook or author of lecture notes and page numbers)
1. Prompt:
While Alex is waiting in line to ride a roller coaster, the man behind him bumps into him. Even though the man apologizes, Alex becomes extremely upset and pushes him back. What is Alex most likely suffering from? Explain based on what you have learned in class.
2. Question/Comment:
Write a question or comment based on your chapter readings.

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