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You are required to have a minimum of 150 per section—not per question. Follow discussion rubrics as outlined in the syllabus.
Section 1: Chapter 4, 5 and 6. Discuss question 1 and any other two of the following questions.
1. Why culturally and linguistically appropriate services CLAS matter
Requirement: Watch the entire presentation and summarize key points on interpretations that are culturally and linguistically appropriate.
2. Cultural competency experts hold that institutions of learning—elementary, high school, and college level—can or should serve as the groundwork on which cultural competence can or should be embedded, nourished, and grown among future healthcare and indeed all other professionals. Research at least one educational institution to find out how the education institution policies foster behaviors and attitudes in its staff and students to promote cultural competency. Argue how effective or ineffective these policies and actions are in shaping future professionals. Since cultural competency is not a destination but a lifelong commitment to self-critique and reflection, what steps do you think the institution(s) can undertake to form and produce more culturally sensitive and competent healthcare professionals?
3. Cultural competency and health literacy: Doubtlessly, COVID-19 is one of the worst pandemics in 21st Century with hundreds of millions of infections and close and deaths in the United States alone. Whilst this disease affects all people in the United States and around the world, some racial or ethnic groups in the United States report higher proportion of deaths or serious illness even though they make a small fraction of total population in each jurisdiction/area. Select a state, a city within a state, or a county in the United States to investigate impact of COID-19 on various racial or ethnic groups.
4. Analyze the population of the selected states by racial/ethnic group by percentages, and then show percentage of COVID deaths and infections for each of the subgroups? Which group disproportionately is affected more than others are? What factors and social issues directly or indirectly are likely associated with these health disparities? What can or
Section 2: Chapters 7, 8, and 9: Cultural competency assessment and training. Select and discuss either of the following questions.
1. A physical therapy organization serves a diverse community in the inner city of Boston, which consists of African American, Cape Verdean, and Hispanic members. The physical Therapists, of which the majority are white, are concerned because they know little about the cultures of the groups with which they are working. What should be an important step for physical therapists in terms of preparing to receive culturally competent training?
2. Chun, M (2010). Pitfalls to avoid when introducing a cultural competency training initiative publish article in the Medical Education Journal lists factors acknowledge what has not worked in cultural competency initiatives. (See attached article). Read and analyze one factor the author discussed in the article. Address the challenge and suggest how to improve the initiative.
3. Six stages of cultural proficiency continuum. Requirement: Select a healthcare organization such a large hospital in your state or in the United States. Explore its policies and structure—or and check posted job openings to read job descriptions and specifications. Aside from professional/education and experience requirements, is there a mention of the need for individuals it is seeking, to possess ability to serve diverse populations or be culturally competent? You may want to look at the socio-demographic composition of population likely served. How diverse is the organization’s target market/population? Based on your findings, do you believe the organization’s structure policies and hiring processes are culturally sensitive to cultural the targeted market/population? Where do you feel the organization/leadership is on the health proficiency continuum support and why? Does the organization structure, policies, and practices appear to value diversity? Discuss what management can do to enhance their own and their employees’ awareness of the growing diversity of the community served. Here is a summary of the six stages and the associated meaning of each.
– Cultural destructiveness. Attitudes and practices based on policies and structures of healthcare of an organization that are destructive to a cultural group (s).
– Cultural incapacity stage- In this stage an organization may have unfair hiring practices, thus an organization may lack the capacity to respond effectively to the needs, interests, and preferences of culturally and linguistically diverse groups.
– Cultural blindness. In this stage, a healthcare organization embraces and pursues policies that treat everyone the same by using cultural beliefs and practices of the dominant group. The predominant philosophy is “one size fits all.” Remember the video about treating others the way we would want to be treated Assignment.
– Cultural pre-competence-A healthcare organization realizes of the need to explore needs of diverse population of those served and its human resources at this stage there is an awareness of strengths and areas for growth to respond effectively to culturally and linguistically diverse populations.
– Cultural competence-recognize cultural differences, seek advice from diverse groups, and hire culturally unbiased groups. Acceptance and respect for culture is consistently demonstrated in policies, structures, practices, and attitudes.
– Cultural proficiency-at this stage an organization improves services based on cultural needs.
4. How culture connects to healing and recovery YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9Tkb879dsY Describe how culture connects to healing and recovery. Why shouldn’t convention medicine overlook traditions and individuals’ cultures? Describe how the presenter distinguishes spirituality and religion? What is the significance of spirituality, power of words, rituals, and dreams?
5. The 4C’s – Understanding Cultural Diversity in Healthcare
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo4pD6QZkWY . Describe—in your own words—the four Cs-in this YouTube. What are some of the most striking cultural differences that exists between Americans and most Asians? What questions come to your mind regarding the 4 Cs that you would want other discussants to reflect on and share their thoughts?
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