Choose the correct answer: 1. Benedictine monasticism was not characterized by a

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Choose the correct answer:
1. Benedictine monasticism was not characterized by
a, asceticism and extremism
b. an ideal of moderation
c. the communal life
d. isolated, self-sustaining communities
2. Which of the following was not true of the Frankish kingdom?
a. Clovis established the kingdom.
b. It was dominated by a warrior class
c. It was a supporter of Arian Christianity
d. Its combination of Frankish, Roman, and Christian cultures produced a new European civilization
3. The Frankish palace official, Charles Martel, successfully defended the civilization of the new western European kingdom in 732 by
a. destroying the Visigoths
b. pushing the Burgundians back across the Rhone River
c. defeating the Arab-Muslims at the Battle or Tours
d. sacking Rome
4. Guilt under customary law was determined by
a. trial by jury
b. the decisions of the major domus
c. the wergeld
d. the ordeal
5. Justinian’s most important contribution to Western Civilization was
a. codification of Roman law
b. reconquest of western Europe
c. preventing the migration of eastern peoples to the west
d. spreading the use of Latin
6. The Corpus Iuris Civilis compiled under Justinian
a. was not immediately adopted by the Byzantine Empire
b. was the last Byzantine contribution to the west to be written in Latin
c. marked a turning away from Roman law
d. served to undermine economic prosperity in the Byzantine Empire
7. The controversy in the eighth century that set the Latin and Greek Orthodox Christian apart was over
a. the official use of the Greek language
b. the election of the pope
c. iconoclasm
d. the divinity of the trinity
8. The cardinal principle of the Islamic faith is that there is only one God and his prophet is
a. Gabriel
b. Abu-Bakr
c. Muhammad
d. Saladin
9. Muhammad’s flight from Mecca to Medina in 622 is known as the
a. Ka’ba
b. Razzia
c. Jihad
d. Hegira
10. Which of the following would not be a similarity between Christianity and Islam?
a. Each of the faiths have a holy book
b. Both Mohammad and Jesus considered themselves to be divine
c. Both religions were monotheistic
d. Both religions believed in divine revelation
11. The first Frankish king to be anointed in a holy ceremony by an agent of the pope was
a. Clovis
b. Charlemagne
c. Charles Martel
d. Pepin
12. The coronation of Charlemagne in 800 as emperor of the Romans
a. was performed by Pope Zacharias I
b. was defended by the Donation of Constantine
c, symbolized the fusion of Roman, Germanic, and Christian cultures
d. pleased the new emperor, who had long coveted that office
13. Alcuin is best noted for
a. laying the foundation for medieval education
b. his influential views on the “indissoluble nature” of marriage
c. his emphasis on Frankish languages over classical Latin
d. preaching against the lazy monastic orders
14. The staple food in the Carolingian diet was
a. bread
b. mutton
c. beef
d. pork
15. The division of Europe into three kingdoms after the death of Louis the Pious led to
a. The capture of the eastern German lands by armies of Islam
b. a continuing struggle between Louis the German, Charles the Bald and their heirs
c. two centuries of relative calm
d. the eventual emergence of Lothair as the ruler of a united Europe
16. In western Europe, the chief impact of the frequent Viking raids was
a. the strengthening of centralized royal authority
b. an increase in the power of the Church
c. an increase in the power of local aristocrats to whom threatened populations turned for protection
d. a decline in the ;power of local aristocrats whose inability to stop the raids drove ordinary people into royal cities
17. Under feudalism,
a. the major obligation of a vassal to his lord was  to provide military service
b. a vassal was not required to provide legal assistance at his lord’s court
c. a lord had no formal responsibilities toward his vassals
d. the bond between lord and vassal was never broken
18. The military innovation clearly contributing to the rise of feudalism was
a. the introduction of artillery in royal armies
b. the growing importance of cavalry (mounted knights) in royal armies
c. new weapons for foot soldiers
d. the popularity of single combat among feudal nobles
19. The economic structure of the Early Middle Ages
a. saw feudalism replace manorialism
b. saw the entire free peasant class become serfs
c. was predominately agricultural
d. witnessed the complete disintegration of trade
20. The Slavs
a. were originally a single people from from central Europe
b. adopted Roman Catholicism as their sole religion
c. were completely absorbed buy the Ottoman Turks in the fifteenth century
d. became bitter enemies of western European rulers for their opposition to Christianity
21. The capital of the Umayyad Caliphate was
a. Jerusalem
b. Cairo
c. Damascus
d. Mecca
22. Between 1000 and 1300, European population
a. almost doubled
b. fell by half
c. increased very slowly
d. stagnated due to severe outbreaks of disease and war
23. To protect their interests against nobles, townspeople often formed
a. communes
b. trade unions
c. chambers of commerce
d. municipal police forces
24. In medieval thought, women were considered
a. equal to men in most things but still inferior
b. by nature subservient and lesser beings than men
c. an equal partner of men in theory. but not in practice
d. totally evil and in need of discipline
25. Cities in medieval Europe
a. were ruled by a lord in a manner similar to the rural manorial system
b. rivaled those of the Arabs and Byzantines
c. obtained privileges purchased from neighboring territorial lords
d. were independent of the surrounding countryside for their food supplies
26. A comparison of Islam and western Europe in the eighth and ninth centuries shows 
a. the west’s clear superiority in urban culture
b. Muslim creation of a brilliant and sophisticated urban culture while western society remained a world of petty and violent agricultural communities
c. trade replaced agriculture in the west but not in Islam
d. the West had a greater respect for ancient civilization and their cultures than Islam
27.Between 1000 and 1300, the European population
a. doubled
b. fell be half
c. increased very slowly
d. stagnated due to severe outbreaks of disease and war
28. The first university to be founded in Europe appeared in
a. Bologna
b. Paris
c. Oxford
d. Frankfurt
29. Students in medieval universities
a. came strictly from the upper classes
b. usually started their instruction in their late twenties
c. often engaged in quarrels and confrontations with townspeople
d. were both male and female
30. The preoccupation of scholasticism was
a. the reconciliation of faith with reason
b. to prove the superiority of faith over rational thought
c. to disprove the writings of the church fathers through rational thought
d. to show the superiority of Greek thought over medieval theological thought
31. Gothic cathedrals seem to soar upward as light and airy constructions due to all of the following except
a. ribbed vaults and pointed arches
b. flying buttresses
c. thin walls pierced by huge stained glass windows
d. the wide use of classical columns on Greek models
32. The Gothic style of architecture emerged and was perfected in
a. France
b. the Netherlands
c. Spain
d. Italy
33. William of Normandy’s survey of his new royal possessions in England was recorded in
a. the king’s royal pipe rolls
b. the Doomsday book
c. Bede Ecclesiastical History
d. the diary of his son, Henry I
34. “Lay Investiture” refers to the process by which
a. secular lords played a decisive role in choosing prelates for high church offices
b. worthy lay people were educated for high office by the church
c. clerics guilty of high crimes were imprisoned in noble castles
d. lords were selected by clergymen to become official defenders of the church
35. In 1077 at Canossa, King Henry IV
a. received forgiveness after humbling himself before the pope
b. demanded that the pope give up the investiture fight
c. killed Pope Gregory VII in a fit of rage
d. voluntarily relinquished his claims to be emperor
36. The papacy reached its zenith of power in the thirteenth century during the papacy of
a. Urban  II
b. Gregory VII
c. Innocent III
d. Boniface VIII
37. In 1071, at Manzikert, the Seljuk Turks defeated the
a. Abbasids
b. Normans
c. Byzantines
d. Slavs
38. Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095
a. promised the remission of sins for joining the Crusades
b. appointed Peter the Hermit as leader of the crusades
c. urged the destruction of all Jewish settlements on the crusaders’ way to the Holy Land
d. all of the above
39. All of the following were aspects of the Fourth Crusade except
a. the Venetian use of Christian forces to attack their economic rivals
b. the sack of Constantinople by Christian crusaders
c. the restoration of the Byzantine Empire as a great Mediterranean power
d. the establishment of the Latin Empire of Constantinople
40. How many years did the Western crusader presence last in the Middle East?
a. 50
b. 100
c. 200
d. 400

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